1.杨赛, 刘昕*, 于绍文. 面向采购文件的跨模态图片文本命名实体识别, 计算机工程与应用,2024.(IF:2.151)(中文核心)
2.刘昕,王海文,孙志坚,杨大伟,庞铭江. 重大舆情事件的双层区块链溯源方法研究,计算机工程与应用, 2023, 59(23): 263-272.(IF:2.151)(中文核心)
3. 刘昕,卢文娟,蔡明俊,孙琦,赵庆齐. 面向业务决策的油藏知识图谱构建.油气田勘探与开发国际会议.2023.09.20(IFEDC202315049)
5.李忠伟,吴金燠,刘昕,周洁,李可一. 基于双图神经网络的会话推荐算法,计算机工程与设计,2025.2
6.Liu X, Zhao Q, Wang X, et al. Iteratively Tracking Hot Topics On Public Opinion Based On Parallel Intelligence[J]. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, 2023(7): 158-162.(EI收录号:20224413033622)
7.Liu X, Yu S, Li Q, et al. Weibo Spammer Detection Based On Social Network Digital Twin[C]//2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI). IEEE, 2022: 1-5.
8.Faming Gong, Yunjing Li, Xiangbing Yuan, Xin Liu, Yating Gao. Human elbow flexion behaviour recognition based on posture estimation in complex scenes[J]. IET Image Processing, 2022.SCI收录(WOS:000850808100001)
9.Xin Liu, Liang Zheng, Sumi Helal, Weishan Zhang, Chunfu Jia, Jiehan Zhou. A broad learning-based comprehensive defence against SSDP reflection attacks in IoTs, Digital Communications and Networks, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcan.2022.02.008, 2023(9): 1181-1190 (IF: 6.797),ISSN: 2468-5925(T1)
10.Xin Liu, Liang Zheng, Weishan Zhang, Jiehan Zhou, Shuai Cao, Shaowen Yu, An Evolutive Frequent Pattern Tree-based Incremental Knowledge Discovery Algorithm, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Volume 13 Issue 3 September 2022 Article No.: 30, pp 1–20https://doi.org/10.1145/3495213(IF:4.797), ISSN: 2158-656X(T4)EI收录(收录号:20222712329661)
11.刘昕,张如玉,孙琦,孙玉强,牛庆威,徐思远. 基于大数据驱动的低阻油层精准识别方法, 油气地质与采收率, 29(1), 2022.1(IF:3.377)(中文核心)
12.刘昕,张如玉,孙琦,王子帆,徐思远,白雨昊. 基于LAE的井间连通性分析方法. 2021油气田勘探与开发国际会议, 2021.10.20-22, 青岛(T4)
13.Xin Liu, Yu-hao Bai, Qi Sun, Ming-jun Cai, Ru-yu Zhang, Qing-wei Niu. Cellular Automata-based Deduction of Remaining Oil Distribution. International Field Exploration and Development Conference. 2021.09------EI收录(T4)(收录号:20224012839176)
14.Xin. Liu, Shaowen Yu,Qiang Li,Liang Zheng,Xiao Wang,Hongzhan Sun,Feiyue Wang. MAS-based Parallel Intelligence Communities. 2021 IEEE 1st International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI). IEEE, 2021.------EI收录(收录号:20214010978807)
15.Xin Liu, Liang Zheng, Xiaofeng Jia, Hongwei Qi, Shaowen Yu, Xiao Wang. Public Opinion Analysis on Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia and Interaction With Event Evolution in Real World. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2021.06.28------EI收录(20213210753802)------SCI收录(WOS:000679531900028)
16.刘昕,白婷婷,张淯舒,钱茛南,何旭莉,席永轲. 基于EA-LDA算法的领域知识图谱潜在关系扩展. 计算机工程. 2021.10------(IF:1.808)(中文核心)
17.刘昕,席永轲,何杰,钱茛南,顾丽红,基于多层次聚类的文本知识挖掘,计算机工程与设计. 2021.02.(IF:1.574)(中文核心)(ISSN:1000-7024)
18.王奕文, 刘昕*, 田红磊、曹帅. 基于并行关联规则的话题演化跟踪方法, 计算机工程与设计, 2021(12),核心(ISSN: 1000-7024) (IF:1.574) (中文核心)
19.孙琦,孙玉强,武玺,任瑞川,刘昕. 基于大数据挖掘的低阻油层智能精准识别.油气田勘探与开发国际会议.2020.09.23(IFEDC20205877)
20.Xin Liu, Shuai Cao, Liang Zheng, Faming Gong, Xiao Wang, and Jiehan Zhou. POCA4SD: A Public Opinion Cellular Automata for Situation Deduction. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2020.06 SCI收录(WOS:000613556400019)
21.Xin Liu, Shuai Cao, Yang Cao, Jie He, Weishan Zhang, Xueli Wang and Liang Zheng. Online Public Opinion Deduction Based on an Innovative Cellular Automata. CyberCon 2019. 2019.12.16------EI收录(EI: 20195207942741)
22.Xin Liu, Liang Zheng, Shuai Cao, Sumi Helal, Jiehan Zhou, Chunfu Jia, and Weishan Zhang. A Multi-Location Defence Scheme against SSDP Reflection Attacks in the Internet of Things. CyberCon 2019, 2019.12.16,outstanding paper------EI收录(EI: 20195207942744)
23.Weishan Zhang, Wuwu Guo, Xin Liu*, Yan Liu (Member, IEEE), JiehanZhou, Bo Li, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang. LSTM-Based Analysis of Industrial IoT Equipment,IEEE ACCESS, 2018.5.16. SCI收录(WOS:000432883300001)(IF:4.076)
24.Weishan Zhang, Hao Lv, Liang Xu, Yan Liu, Xin Liu, Qinghua Lu, Zhongwei Li, Jiehan Zhou. An Online-Offline Combined Big Data Mining Platform[C]// An Online-Offline Combined Big Data Mining Platform. IEEE Computer Society, 2017. -----EI收录(EI: 20182405294855)
25.Xin Liu, Xiaomiao Zhang,Weishan Zhang, Wei Wei, Yongjun Zhao, Yongke Xi, Shuai Cao. Data mining from Haier air-conditioner equipment running data for fault prediction, 2018 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovations, 2018.10.8-10.12, Guangzhou, China. SCI收录(WOS:000458742900272)
26.Xin Liu, Xiaomiao Zhang , Yiwen Wang, Jiehan Zhou, Sumi Helal3, Zhidong Xu, Weishan Zhang, Shuai Cao. PARMTRD: Parallel Association Rules Based Multiple-Topic Relationships Detection[M]// Web Services – ICWS 2018. Springer, Cham, 2018.7. SCI收录(WOS:000546169700026)(IF0.402)
27.Weishan Zhang, Xia Liu, Jiangru Yuan, Liang Xu, Haoyun Sun, Jiehan Zhou, Xin Liu. RCNN-based foreign object detection for securing power transmission lines (RCNN4SPTL), 2018 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things, IIKI 2018 -----SCI收录(WOS:000470960800052)
28.王奕文,刘昕,曹帅,王丰. 基于关联规则的热点事件时序分析方法, 计算机与现代化,2018(8) (IF:1.124)
29.Xin Liu, Pingjun Zou, Weishan Zhang, Jiehan Zhou, Changying Dai, Feng Wang, Xiaomiao Zhang. CPSFS: A Credible Personalized Spam Filtering Scheme by Crowdsourcing, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2017, Article ID 1457870, 9 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/1457870. SCI收录(WOS:000419491300001)(IF:1.445)
30.Xin Liu, Feng Wang, Sumi Helal, Zhongwei Li, Jiehan Zhou, Weishan Zhang, Shuai Cao, Topic detection Based on Similar Networks, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics(SMC), Banff, Canada,Oct. 4- Oct .8. SCI收录(WOS:000427598700033)
31.Xin Liu*, Feng Wang, Yang Yang, Jiuyun Xu, Pingjun Zou and Yiwen Wang. Defense against malicious URL spreading in micro-blog network with hub nodes, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. v.29, no.14, 2017 July 25,SCI收录(WOS: 000403850100011)(IF:1.268,Cite Score:3.80)
32. 刘昕, 王晓, 张卫山, 汪建基, 王飞跃. 平行数据:从大数据到数据智能, 模式识别与人工智能, 2017, 30(8), 673-681(ISSN: 1003-6059) ----EI收录 -----被引用36次(IF:2.207)
33.Weishan Zhang, Dehai Zhao, Zhi Chai, Laurence T. Yang, Xin Liu, Faming Gong, Su Yang. Deep learning and SVM-based emotion recognition from Chinese speech for smart affective services. 《Software—practice & Experience》, 2017, 47 (8) :1127-1138. SCI收录(WOS:000405202100007)(IF1.548)
34.Xin Liu, Yao Wang, Dehai Zhao, Weishan Zhang, Leyi Shi. Patching by Automatically Tending to Hub Nodes Based on Social Trust, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2016,44:94-101, DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2015.08.001, 2016.02 (Volume 44, February 2016, Pages 94–101. SCI收录(WOS:000366953200008)(IF:2.226)(T4)
35.Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Xiaodan Xie, Feng Xia, Qinghua Lu, Xin Liu, Jiehan Zhou. QoS4IVSaaS: a QoS management framework for intelligent video surveillance as a service. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 20(5): 795-808 (2016). SCI收录(WOS:000384451500013)(IF:2.212)
36.Xin Li,Xin Liu. Multi-segment and multi-stage projected tetrahedra, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2016, Volume 7, Issue 5, pp 639–648,SCI收录(WOS:000383132800005)(IF:3.348)
37.Yang Yang, Hui Xu, Yanan Liu, Zhongwei Li, Weishan Zhang, Xin Liu. Feature Analysis of Important Nodes in Microblog, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud 2015), 2015.11.3-11.5, NewYork . SCI收录(WOS:00038053 4800037)(T4)
38.Leyi Shi, Yao Wang, Xin Liu*. An ACO-Based Trust Inference Algorithm. The 9th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, 2014,2014.11.8-11.10 Guangzhou . -----SCI收录(WOS:000380452800036)
39.Weishan Zhang, Licheng Chen, Xin Liu, Qinghua Lu, Peiying Zhang, Su Yang. An OSGi-based flexible and adaptive pervasive cloud infrastructure. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2014, 57(3): 032107(11). SCI收录(WOS:000332351000007)(IF:4.38)
40.Xin Liu, Zhaojun Xin, Leyi Shi, Yao Wang. A Decentralized and Personalized Spam Filter Based on Social Computing, The 10th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Aug,4-8, 2014,Nicosia, Cyprus ,IWCMC Info. Team.SCI收录(WOS:000361140000151)
41.刘昕, 贾春福, 石乐义, 辛兆君. 基于社会计算的IM恶意代码防御机制, 电子学报2013, Vol. 41(6): 1130-1139(20133916789707)----WOS收录(CSCD:4922354)(IF:1.804)
42. Xin Liu, Zhaojun Xin, Leyi Shi. Automatic Patching Based on Social Computing in P2P Network, The 4th International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT-2013) Xi’an, China, 2013.9. pp.471-478基于社会计算的P2P网络自动补丁机制,September 9 - 11, 2013-----EI收录(EI: 20135017077446)
43.Xin Liu, Leyi Shi, Yao Wang, Zhaojun Xin, Wenjing Fu. A Dynamic Trust Inference Algorithm for Social Network. the 8th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, 2013, 10.28 -10.30,UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OF COMPIEGNE, COMPIEGNE, FRANCE,340-346, WOS:000329179100050
44.刘昕, 贾春福, 刘国友, 胡志超, 王冬. 基于社会信任的恶意网页协防机制, 通信学报,2012, 33(12): 11-18(20130415931883)-----WOS收录(CSCD:4724960)(IF:2.347)
45.刘昕, 贾春福, 胡志超, 刘国友, 王冬. 对抗P2P蠕虫的邻居选择机制, 天津大学学报, 45(11), p1030-1038, 2012(20125215843074)-----SCI收录(CSCD:4696518)(IF:1.152)
46.Xin Liu, Zhichao Hu,Guoyou Liu, Chunfu Jia. Defending P2P Networks Based on Benign Worms, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2011(7), p2532-2539 -----EI收录(EI: 20112814144087)(IF:0.822)
47.Chunfu Jia, Xin Liu, Zhichao Hu,Guoyou Liu. Defending P2P Networks against Malicious Worms Based on Benign Worms, Advances in Electric and Electronics, 155 LNEE, p653-660, 2012 -----EI收录(EI: 20121314895984)
48.Jianxi Fan, Xiaohua Jia, Xin Liu, Shukui Zhang, Jia Yu. Efficient unicast in bijective connection networks with the restricted faulty node set, Information Sciences, 181 (11), p2303-2315,2011-----EI收录(EI: 20111413893346)-----SCI收录(WOS: 000292622100018)-(IF:2.833)
49.石乐义, 姜蓝蓝, 刘昕, 贾春福. 拟态式蜜罐诱骗特性的博弈理论分析,电子与信息学报,2013, Vol. 35(5): 1063-1068-----WOS收录(CSCD:4845120)(IF:1.870)
50.Chunfu Jia, Xin Liu, Guoyou Liu, Zhichao Hu. Worm Containment Based on Double-neighbor Lists in P2P Overlay Networks, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (ICITIS 2010), p558-562, Beijing, China, December 17-19, 2010 -----EI收录(EI: 20110813676952)
51.Leyi Shi, Xiaorui Wang, Wenjing Fu, Xin Liu, Zhen Qin. An improved anti-collision algorithm for ISO15693 RFID systems. CSS2012 (International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 7672, Springer, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.12, p339-351. -----EI收录(EI: 20125215838286)
52.石乐义, 李婕, 刘昕, 贾春福. 基于动态阵列蜜罐的协同网络防御策略研究. 通信学报, 33(11), p159-164, 2012 -----WOS收录(CSCD:4681268)(IF:2.347)
53.Chunfu Jia, Zhi Wang, Kai Lu, Xinhai Liu, Xin Liu. Directed Hidden-Code Extractor for Environment-Sensitive Malwares, Physics Procedia, Volume 24, Part C, p1621-1627,2012. -----SCI收录(WOS:000306477500007)-----被引用2次
54.贾春福, 王志, 刘昕, 刘昕海. 路径模糊:一种有效抵抗符号执行的二进制混淆技术, 计算机研究与发展, 48(11), p2111-2119, 2011-----WOS收录(CSCD:4399178)(IF:3.363)
55.Leyi Shi, Wenjing Fu, Cong Jia, Xin Liu, Chunfu Jia. A Sensor Anonymity Enhancement Scheme Based on Pseudonym for Clustered Wireless Sensor Network[J]. China Communications, 2014.9 -----SCI收录(WOS:000342397200002)(IF:0.344)
1. 刘昕等,面向计算思维的数据结构课程教学改革,计算机教育,2013年16期,35-38.
2. 刘昕. 以问题为中心加强计算思维培养. 当代教育科学,2014年7期,60-62.
3. 石乐义,刘昕. “云模式”IT 专业校企合作人才培养模式探索. 职教论坛,2014年2期,72-74.
4. 李克文,刘昕,崔学荣,张红霞. 研究生培养主体模式创新研究,教育评论,2015年10期.
5. 刘昕,卢文娟,李华昱,杨大伟,田钰茹. 一人一堂的个性化课堂,计算机教育,2024.1
1. 范修斌,刘昕,王勋龙,杜春玲,戴照鹏,臧鸿雁,王凤瑛,王红兵;陈华平主审,基于标识的证书认证体制CFL--网络空间认证学及实例, 北京邮电大学出版社,167千字,2019,5万字
2. 宫文娟,刘昕,李昕,李华昱,计算机视觉基础,6万字,2020.12,浙江大学出版社,ISBN:9787308208437