1. Li Cunhe, Zhang, Yanli, Lu Lei. An MIMLSVM algorithm based on ECC. Applied Intelligence, 2015,42(3): 537-543. (SCI)
2. Li Cunhe, Shi Guoqiang. Weights optimization for multi-instance multi-label RBF neural networks using steepest descent method. Neural Computing and Applications, 2013, 22(7-8):1563-1569. (SCI)
3. Li Cunhe, Shi Guoqiang. Improvement of learning algorithm for the multi-instance multi-label RBF neural networks trained with imbalanced samples. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2013, 29(4):765-776. (SCI)
4. Li Cunhe, Liu Kangwei, Wang Hongxia. The incremental learning algorithm with support vector machine based on hyperplane-distance. Applied Intelligence, 2011,34(1):19-27. (SCI)
5. Li Cunhe, Dong Juan, Chen Juntang. Extraction of informative blocks from web pages based on VIPS. Journal of Computational Information Systems,2010,6(1):271-277. (EI)
6. Li Cunhe, Wu Chenggang. A new semi-supervised support vector machine learning algorithm based on active learning. Proceedings of the 2010 2nd International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC 2010, V3638-V3641. (EI)
7. Li Cunhe, Xu Chao, Liu Kangwei. DSS_DOM: a new page segmentation model. Journal of Information and Computational Science,2009,6(2): 1025-1032. (EI)
8. Li Cunhe, Zhu Lina, Liu Kangwei. A new approach of feature selection for chinese web page categorization. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications, ISICA 2008,386-395. (EI)
9. Li Cunhe, Liu Kangwei, and Zhu Lina. An Improved Training Algorithm of Support Vector Machines Based on Three Data Points Iteration. International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT 2008, 695-699. (EI)
10. Li Cun-he, Lv Ke-qiang. Hyperlink Classification: A New Approach to Improve PageRank, 18th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2007, 274-277. (EI)