1. Xuerui Wang, Zhenhao Li, Baojiang Sun, Zhiyuan Wang, Yonghai Gao. Coupling mechanisms between cement hydration and permafrost during well construction in the Arctic region [J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023 (222): 211429. (SCI二区TOP;影响因子5.168)
2. Xuerui Wang, Dingyi Liu, Baojiang Sun, Shujie Liu, Zhiyuan Wang, Yonghai Gao. Investigation of multi-field coupling mechanisms during well cement through gas hydrate layer in horizontal well [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 407 (2023) 133505. (SCI一区TOP;影响因子7.400)
3. Haifeng Zhu, Ming Xiang, Zhiqiang Lin, Jicheng Yang, Xuerui Wang*, Xueqi Liu, Zhiyuan Wang. Study on the Mechanism of Gas Intrusion and Its Transportation in a Wellbore under Shut-In Conditions [J]. Energies, 2023, 16. (SCI三区;影响因子3.200)
4. Wang Xuerui, Sun Baojiang, Wang Zhiyuan, Gao Yonghai, Li Hao, Shi Fengxia. Numerical modeling of hydration performance for well cement exposed to a wide range of temperature and pressure. Construction and Building Materials, 2020,261, 119929 (SCI一区TOP;影响因子7.400)
5. Wang Xuerui, Sun Baojiang, Wang Zhiyuan, Gao Yonghai, Li Hao. Coupled heat and mass transfer model of gas migration during well cementing through a hydrate layer in deep-water regions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 163: 114383. (SCI二区TOP;影响因子5.295)
6. Wang Xuerui, Shen Hao, Sun Baojiang, Wang Zhiyuan, Gao Yonghai, Li Hao. Mechanism of Gas Migration Through Microstructure of Cemented Annulus in Deep-water Environment. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 78, 103316. (SCI二区,影响因子4.965)
7. Wang Xuerui, Wang Zhiyuan, Deng Xuejing, Sun Baojiang. Coupled thermal model of wellbore and permafrost in Arctic regions [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 123: 1291-1299. (SCI二区TOP;影响因子5.295)
8. Wang Xuerui, Sun Baojiang, Liu Shujie, Li Zhong, Liu Zhengli, Wang Zhiyuan, Li Hao, Gao Yonghai. A coupled model of temperature and pressure based on hydration kinetics during well cementing in deep water [J]. Petroleum Exploration and Development. (SCI一区TOP,影响因子3.803)
9. Wang Xuerui, Sun Baojiang, Gao Yonghai, Wang Zhiyuan, Li Hao, Chen Ye. Numerical simulation of the stability of hydrate layer during well cementing in deep-water region [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and engineering, 2019, 176:893-905. (SCI二区TOP;影响因子4.346)
10. Wang Xuerui, Sun Baojiang, Luo Pingya, Wang Zhiyuan, Wang Ning, Keke, Zhang Hui. Transient temperature and pressure calculation model of a wellbore for dual gradient drilling [J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2018, 30(4): 701-714. (SCI三区;影响因子2.590)
11. Wang Xuerui, Hasan, A. R., Zhang Bo, Ke Ke, Yanhong Wang, Peng Zhang. Study on Hydrate Formation Region in Wellbore during Subsea Mudlift Drilling [J]. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. (SCI四区;影响因子1.455)
12. Sun Baojiang, Wang Xuerui, Wang Zhiyuan, Gao Yonghai. Transient temperature calculation method for deep-water cementing based on hydration kinetics model [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 129: 1426-1434. (SCI二区TOP;影响因子5.295,导师第一)
13. 王雪瑞, 孙宝江, 刘书杰, 李中, 刘正礼, 李昊, 王志远, 高永海. 基于水化反应动力学的深水固井井筒温度与压力耦合预测模型 [J]. 石油勘探与开发. 2028, 47(4): 809-818.
14. 孙宝江, 王雪瑞, 孙小辉, 李昊, 王志远, 高永海, 卢义玉.井筒四相流动理论在深水钻完井工程与测试领域的应用与展望[J].天然气工业,2020,40(12):95-105. (EI收录)
15. 孙宝江, 王雪瑞, 王志远, 等. 控制压力固井技术研究进展及展望[J]. 石油钻探技术, 2019, 47(3): 56-61.(中文核心)
16. 王雪瑞, 孙宝江, 王志远, 等. 考虑温度压力耦合效应的控压固井全过程水力参数计算方法[J]. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 46(2):1-10. (EI收录)
17. Xuerui Wang, Xueyu Pang, Ming Xian, Baojiang Sun, Zhiyuan Wang. Numerical study on transient annular pressure caused by hy-dration heat during well cementing [J]. Applied Science, 2022. (SCI三区;影响因子2.679)
18. 王雪瑞, 孙宝江, 王志远,等. 海上隔水管锤击作业溜桩预测方法及预防措施[J]. 中国海洋油气, 2015, 27(3): 133-137. (中文核心)
19. Wang Xuerui, Sun Baojiang, Wang Zhiyuan, et al. Transient Thermal Model of Drilling Fluid in Wellbore under the Effect of Permafrost Thaw during Drilling in Arctic Region[C]. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. 2017. (EI收录会议)
20. Xuerui Wang, Feng Hao, Baojiang Sun, Zhiyuan Wang, Yonghai Gao. A Coupled Model of Temperature and Pressure for Managed Pressure Cementing in Deep-water Region. SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference, 2021. (EI收录会议)
21. Wang Zhiyuan, Wang Xuerui, Sun Baojiang, et al. Analysis on Wellhead Stability During Drilling Operation in Arctic Permafrost Region[C]. ASME 2017, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. 2017: V008T11A008. (EI收录会议)